I've always had a fascination for drawing sexy women. It all began when, as a pubescent school boy, I was lucky enough to be standing near my gorgeous Geography teacher just as a sudden gust of wind blew her skirt up revealing a pair of milky thighs. I went home in a daze and tried to recreate that image on paper.

Part of my little place here is an attempt to pay homage to wonderful artists from the golden age of the Pin-up, such as Gil Elvgren and Bill Ward, who have had such a healthy influence on my own artwork. I'm sure I was born 50 years too late, but I have some fantastic artists to emulate.

Bikersplacetwo.com is the result of my desire to develop my work into a full-time profession, helped, of course, by the crazy dane, Torben. (Thanks, partner!)

Sincere thanks for taking the time to visit and helping to support my work as an artist.


All artwork © Biker 1997-